Restore Antique Tables Dont Refinish Them

10 Jul 2019
By Corwell
If you have an antique table, which has taken in a tired look in your house, don't refinish it restore it. The antique character of your table would be lost with refinishing.
It's the quality of finish that adds value to antique furniture. So, if you have an antique table, which has taken in a tired look in its recent years, the last thing you would want to do is refinish it. So, don't refinish it restore your antique table.
Your table is antique so show its age
Before you consider antique furniture restoration, it is essential that you peep through its historical lens. Nicks & scratches that the table has acquired over the years of its usage happen to be a part of its story contributing to its value as being antique. With refinishing, all these scars that give the table this antique character may get erased. What you would be left with wouldn't really be antique anymore. It would simply be a new piece of furniture made from wood.
Antique furniture restoration: the best way to do it
Restoring the shine of your antique table's original finish is not that easy. You need to have an idea about the antique furniture restoration techniques, which means you should know what to do and how to do to maintain its lustre. However, you can start by cleaning it thoroughly.
There are several commercial cleaning & conditioning products that are available in the market. You can surely use them they are going to do the job for you but before you use any one of them make sure you test the cleaner on any inconspicuous part of your table so that it doesn't harm the finish.
Now if you think that since you've applied the right cleaner, your antique table is going to shine, you are wrong! You need to know that it's the layer of wax that would bring out the lustre of the original finish & protect it from all sorts of scratches. So, what you should do next is use high-quality furniture wax that is available in a paste form. You should use it sparingly, let it dry and then buff it with a soft clean cotton cloth.
The job isn't done yet! Once your piece of antique furniture is waxed and cleaned, you'll need to put your best efforts to keep the table dust-free every time. For that, you have to clean it with a dry cloth at least once a week. Don't use spray cleaners or furniture polish. Just clean it the way mentioned and apply a new coat of wax once a year or when you think buffing is no longer bringing the much-needed lustre to the finish.
Get in touch with Corwell for your furniture restoration job in Berkshire.
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